Senin, 27 Juni 2011

[K706.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

Get Free Ebook Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

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Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

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Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan

This well-established book, now in its second edition, presents the principles and applications of engineering metals and alloys in a highly readable form. This new edition retains all the basic topics such as phase diagrams, phase transformations, heat treatment of steels and nonferrous alloys, solidification, fatigue, fracture and corrosion covered in the first edition. The text has been updated and rewritten for greater clarity. Also, more diagrams have been added to illustrate the concepts discussed. This edition gives new sections on: thermoelastic martensite; shape memory alloys; rapid solidification processing; and, quaternary phase diagrams. Intended as a text for undergraduate courses in metallurgy/metallurgical and materials engineering, this book is also suitable for students preparing for associate membership examination of indian institute of metals (amiim), as well as other professional examinations like amie.

  • Sales Rank: #4566824 in Books
  • Published on: 2006
  • Format: Import
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 6.18" h x .51" w x 8.90" l, .66 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 248 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Half the product
By Mark Hintze
The problem with this book is you only get half of it. All the figures and diagrams are missing in my digital version. So when the author is discussing crystal structures or phase diagrams all of the relevant illustrations are not there. So, there is really no point in buying this digital version since every time you want to see what the author's point being illustrated all you will find is a caption to the figure with no figure.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
adequate info
By lingineer
Covered the topics needed. The format does not always show up correctly on the digital version. You have to guess on many formulas.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Just want I wanted for 4 dollars (kindle)
By Kender
Really simple and covers all the topics for a basic course of Physical Metallurgy. The best was the 4.00 dollars price!

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[K706.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan Doc

[K706.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan Doc
[K706.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice, by Raghavan Doc

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

[L459.Ebook] Download Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Download Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Book fans, when you require a new book to review, find the book Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies In Cinema/Video), By Jean-Pierre Geuens below. Never worry not to find what you need. Is the Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies In Cinema/Video), By Jean-Pierre Geuens your required book currently? That holds true; you are actually a good viewers. This is an excellent book Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies In Cinema/Video), By Jean-Pierre Geuens that originates from fantastic writer to show you. Guide Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies In Cinema/Video), By Jean-Pierre Geuens supplies the very best encounter as well as lesson to take, not only take, yet additionally discover.

Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Download Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

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Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens

Integrates contemporary film theory into the teaching of film production, presenting alternatives to the standard Hollywood model of filmmaking.

Most serious film books during the last twenty years have focused on theoretical issues, film history, or film analyses, leaving production to the side. This text, however, appropriate for film production courses, fills that void, opening the production process to pertinent, argumentative notions and incorporating material from Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Derrida, among others. Although Geuens covers screenwriting, lighting, staging, and framing, among other production issues, he avoids the strictly vocational or "professional" approach to film teaching currently applied to most production courses.

Geuens reevaluates what cinema could be, to revive its full powers and attend to the mystery of the creative process. To counter Hollywood's normative machinery, he suggests taking back from the professionals important notions they have arrogated for themselves but rarely act upon: artistry, passion, and engagement.

"This is a sharply observed, altogether brilliantly written study. I like the originality, the daring, and the sweep of Geuens' argument. As a theorist on the subject of film production, Geuens ranks with such critical thinkers as Baudrillard and Metz in his astute analysis of the field." -- Gwendolyn Foster, author of Captive Bodies: Postcolonial Subjectivity in Cinema

"Not only is the study of film production significant, but Geuens' study, Film Production Theory, is very significant, specifically as a kind of mentoring text for aspiring directors, actors, producers, and technicians. After reading this book, I feel like going out to a non-soundstage location and shooting my own film!" -- Paul Matthew St. Pierre, Simon Fraser University

  • Sales Rank: #1260971 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: SUNY Press
  • Published on: 2000-03-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .73" w x 6.00" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 324 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780791445266
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

"This is a sharply observed, altogether brilliantly written study. I like the originality, the daring, and the sweep of Geuens' argument. As a theorist on the subject of film production, Geuens ranks with such critical thinkers as Baudrillard and Metz in his astute analysis of the field." Gwendolyn Foster, author of Captive Bodies: Postcolonial Subjectivity in Cinema
"Not only is the study of film production significant, but Geuens' study, Film Production Theory, is very significant, specifically as a kind of mentoring text for aspiring directors, actors, producers, and technicians. After reading this book, I feel like going out to a non-soundstage location and shooting my own film!" Paul Matthew St. Pierre, Simon Fraser University"

About the Author
Jean-Pierre Geuens teaches film in Los Angeles.

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
A remarkable study of film from the side of production
By Nate
Film Production Theory is an exciting and important book. Most importantly, the book outlines what is at stake aesthetically and philosophically in what appear to be merely technical considerations that enter into the making of film. Unlike many other works that focus upon the finished product, or, upon the personalities behind the product, Geuen's book focuses upon the techniques of cinema, with an eye to clarify what are the assumptions about the nature of cinema that are implicit in those techniques. For example, with respect to screenwriting Geuens points out that the standardized approach to screenwriting, in which dialogue is the most prominent feature and camera movement and angles are for the most part deliberately left out, implies that film is about story first and image second and also implies a less than fully collaborative relationship between writers and directors. Of course some writers and directors do collaborate very effectively -- but in doing so they are going against a trend that is implicit in the mainstream traditions of filmmaking, traditions that make it difficult for filmmakers to, say, let images and settings be the impetus for a creative and improvisational approach to telling stories. In addition to screenwriting, Geuens gives very helpful and detailed analyses of the nature of film school, the techniques of directing and lighting and cinematography and sound and editing. In all this, he is not simply aiming to criticize the way films usually get made, or the techniques that get applied to filmmaking, but primarily to show that such techniques pretend to be the best and only professional way to do things when in fact there have been remarkable films made differently and with far different results. In fact, the first few chapters of the book are attempts to understand why and how the "Hollywood system" came to be what it has become, what impact it has had culturally, and along the way to consider and highlight paths that were never or rarely taken. Sometimes Geuens can get a bit heavy handed and he is certainly not without his own strong views, but the book as a whole works to open up and clarify and illuminate the process of filmmaking. He is extremely well read in philosophy and critical theory and film theory, and draws upon ideas from people like Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze and many others, but never simply in the form of obscure name dropping. His references to such thinkers almost never fail to be both extremely helpful on the nature of film and quite clear in its summary of the often obscure thoughts of difficulty philosophers. The book is both an exceptional guide for the aspiring filmmaker and a powerful complement to works of film theory that focus on the product rather than the process. I consider the book the most important book on film I have read in a very long time, and can't recommend it highly enough.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
A Thoughtful study of film, Provocative, not dry.
By Andrew D. Fraser
I picked up this book thinking it would be a dry treatise about lighting and camera direction etc. But having not attended film school I thought it'd be good information to lay under my practical film Production experience.

...and it certainly opened my eyes.

This is a book for filmmakers, film critics, and those with a deep interest in film.

It does NOT tell you HOW to make a movie. It provides food for thought about the major production decisions that the Producer and/or Director considers when making a motion picture.

It is an extremely "thinky" book. Moored in the French New Wave, American Zoetrope and to a lesser extent Spanish and Italian cinema. It praises experimentation and asks the reader to consider the effect of everything that they will put into the film. Likewise, the author derides "Hollywood" for sacrificing the potential of the motion picture as art form in order to accumulate as much money as can be made. While this feeling is prevelant throughout the text, it is refreshingly not overbearing.

The book reads like a series of lectures about film theory on such topics as Film School, Writing, Directing, Framing, Lighting, Sound and Editing. In this format it is digestible in small chunks and allows the reader to process what they have read before taking on the next topic.

As an Independent Producer, I found the points in this book to be worthy of consideration as I develop, plan, shoot, and finish my projects. I don't agree with everything he says, but he says it in such a way as to help me understand the impact of my decisions (e.g. to shoot on location vs. on a soundstage). I could easily see myself skimming through this text before any project to help me frame my approach. This is as much a testament to its depth and density as it is to its worth.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Inspiring, Compelling, Revolutionary!
By Andre Ali Seewood
It is simply one of the most inspiring and novel books ever written about film production: Jean-Pierre Geuens' FILM PRODUCTION THEORY. This is not a "how to" book, it is a book that raises strategic questions about what we perceive as standard filmmaking practices and accepted aesthetic (professional) norms. What Geuens sets out to do is to open the potential filmmaker's mind to alternate ways of "skinning the cat" or alternate approaches to filmmaking from various significant aspects: screenwriting, composition, staging, sound, editing and even direction. The book is literally a testament to the benefits (and the pain) of thinking differently- of going against the grain and standing your ground. Geuens reveals the real reason anyone should go to film school and it is not to make a delightful reel of your work that imitates hollywood production values and conceits... He reminds us that what we love about certain filmmakers was born from those particular individual's unwillingness to conform- to challenged the pre-existing notions; so therefore this book inspires you to challenge, to explore, to take risks and more importantly to appreciate the risks and challenges taken by others. It is the kind of book that could be read simultaneously with any "standard" required film production book. Geuens repeats the rules and then reveals to you how others have broken the rules and still made provocative,groundbreaking and classic work. For graduate students, Geuens puts various thinkers (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Nietzche and Bazin) to great use and allows their thoughts to be easily understood in the context of film production. For the practicing (struggling) filmmaker, Geuens renews your faith in the differences between your work and "hollywood", your work and the conventional, the unique experiences of your soul and the "system". The lignt that permeates Geuens work is that he forces you to decide whether you are trying to really make films or trying," to use filmmaking to secure the easy life." (pg. 256) All in all this was a compelling, throughly engaging and necessary read for anyone interested in film, films studies, film production and film criticism.

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[L459.Ebook] Download Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens Doc
[L459.Ebook] Download Film Production Theory (SUNY Series Cultural Studies in Cinema/Video), by Jean-Pierre Geuens Doc

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

[J535.Ebook] Free Ebook Origin of "Semitic" Languages (Arabic Edition), by Adel S. Bishtawi

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Origin of

Origin of "Semitic" Languages (Arabic Edition), by Adel S. Bishtawi

Origin of

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Origin of

From the author of the Origins of Arabic Numerals-a Natural History of Numbers, an AuthorHouse publication, and Natural Foundations of Arab Civilisation-Origins of Alphabets, Numeration, Numerals, Measurements, Weights, Litigation, and Money . . . Book of Origins Part II (in Arabic) Origin of Semitic Languages Introductory Etymological Study of the Prehistoric Ancestral Linguistic Nuclei and Monosyllables of Semitic Languages Primarily Based on Akkadian and Southern and Northern Arabic Adel S. Bishtawi The unity of what is traditionally called Semitic languages may be traced in the roots, in the inflections, and in the general features of the syntax. Almost a thousand years before the publication in 1781 of Repertorium fuer biblische und morgenlaendische Literatur, linguists studying certain features of Canaanite (Phoenician), Hebrew, Arabic, and Ethiopic (abasi) noted the interrelationship of these languages. Other studies pointed to a prehistoric ancestral origin for these and more than sixty other languages, first named Ursemitische and later Proto-Semitic. Research involving the history of the Arabic numerals established their prehistoric origin and confirmed a linguistic link between small numbers and small words. The scope and depth of the multilayered research were expanded in an attempt to identify the origin of Semitic languages and, probably, the origin of languages. It took more than two years to realise that the pioneering linguists of Arabic were not aware of the main building blocks of the language they treated and that the smaller biconsonantals, not triconsonantals as is widely believed, were the original roots of the Semitic languages. At one time in the remotest horizon of their history, the language consisted of a very limited number biconsonantals and monosyllabic root morphemes. Words expressing the basic needs of primitive man, such as water, food, hut, stone, danger, etc. could be several tho

  • Sales Rank: #5466157 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-09-05
  • Released on: 2013-09-05
  • Original language: Arabic
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.24" w x 6.00" l, 1.58 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 494 pages

About the Author
Historian, novelist, and researcher in the origins of civilisation, Adel S. (Said) Bishtawi was born in Nazareth in 1945. He read English and world literature at Damascus University and took a course in linguistics at Central London Polytechnic. Bishtawi started his reporting career in the mid-1960s, cofounded in London the Asharq Al Awsat and Al-Hayat newspapers, and became central managing editor of the Emirates News Agency in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He was a production assistant for a number of TV documentaries and later produced, directed, and wrote Muslims along the Silk Road, a five-part documentary tracing the culture, heritage, and legacy of Muslim pioneers and merchants along the Silk Road. Bishtawi interviewed for TV and press world political leaders including Indian prime minister Indira Ghandi, British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, Afghan president Hafizullah Amin (shortly before his execution along with members of his family at the start of the Russian invasion of his country), Austrian chancellor Bruno Kreisky, Malaysian prime minister Mahatir Muhammad, Pakistani president Mohammad Zial-ul-Haq, Pakistani prime minister Mohammad Khan Junejo, and many others. Bishtawi has published about twenty books including The Andalusian Moriscos (History of the Moriscos after the Fall of Granada), Traces of a Tattoo, Times of Death and Roses, Gardens of Despair, Martyrdom of the Andalusian Nation, History of Injustice in the Arab World, Manifest Destiny of Imperial Decline, and The Book of Origins, Volume I: Natural Foundations of Arab Civilisation-Origins of Alphabets, Numeration, Numerals, Measures, Weights, Litigation, and Money. Over a period of forty years, the author published hundreds of articles, interviews, and poems in Arabic and English. He appears on TV shows and participates in international conferences and seminars on history, literature, religion, economic, and current affairs. Recent pu

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Ebook Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso

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Guides Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture And Synthesize The Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso, from straightforward to difficult one will certainly be an extremely useful operates that you can take to alter your life. It will certainly not give you unfavorable declaration unless you don't obtain the meaning. This is surely to do in reviewing a publication to get rid of the significance. Frequently, this book qualified Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture And Synthesize The Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso is read due to the fact that you actually such as this type of publication. So, you can obtain simpler to recognize the impression and also meaning. Once even more to constantly keep in mind is by reviewing this book Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture And Synthesize The Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso, you could fulfil hat your interest beginning by finishing this reading book.

Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso

Charles Darwin changed the course of scientific thinking by showing how evolution accounts for the stunning diversity and biological complexity of life on earth. Recently, there has also been increased interest in the social sciences in how Darwinian theory can explain human culture. Covering a wide range of topics, including fads, public policy, the spread of religion, and herd behavior in markets, Alex Mesoudi shows that human culture is itself an evolutionary process that exhibits the key Darwinian mechanisms of variation, competition, and inheritance. This cross-disciplinary volume focuses on the ways cultural phenomena can be studied scientifically - from theoretical modeling to lab experiments, archaeological fieldwork to ethnographic studies - and shows how apparently disparate methods can complement one another to the mutual benefit of the various social science disciplines. Along the way, this book reveals how new insights arise from looking at culture from an evolutionary angle. "Cultural Evolution" provides a thought-provoking argument that Darwinian evolutionary theory can both unify different branches of inquiry and enhance understanding of human behavior.

  • Published on: 2011
  • Binding: Paperback

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[R306.Ebook] Ebook Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso Doc

[R306.Ebook] Ebook Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso Doc
[R306.Ebook] Ebook Cultural Evolution: How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Alex Meso Doc

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

[J594.Ebook] Free PDF Breed Volume 3: Book of Revelations, by Jim Starlin

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Breed Volume 3: Book of Revelations, by Jim Starlin

Breed Volume 3: Book of Revelations, by Jim Starlin

Breed Volume 3: Book of Revelations, by Jim Starlin

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Breed Volume 3: Book of Revelations, by Jim Starlin

  • The spectacular conclusion to the 'Breed saga! Readers will finally learn who the mysterious woman is that Ray Stoner has been seeing in the mystic waters all these years. The demonic Fathers finally make their big push to devour everything, and a group of the most unexpected guest stars make an appearance. This one's got it all!

  • Sales Rank: #1786948 in Books
  • Published on: 2012-09-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.10" h x .40" w x 6.50" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 168 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Almost 20 years later, an odd conclusion
By Kid Kyoto
Begun in the 1990s but canceled when the market collapsed, Breed is the story of Ray Stoner, a Vietnam Vet who learns he is the half-breed son of a race of demons.

Learning more about them in Book 2, Stoner is now ready for the final battle against his own father.

Book 3 is an odd book in many ways. Writer/artist Jim Starlin spends almost half of the book in an extended flashback detailing what Stoner had been up to since the last book ended. At one dramatic point in the narrative the characters interrupt the story to point out that obviously Stoner lived or he wouldn't be there to tell the story. It immediately robs the scene of any suspense or power.

Later as Stoner prepares for the final battle he teams up with several other Starlin-created characters, Vanth Dreadstar and Oedi from Dreadstar, Wyrd, Kid Kosmos and Darklon, a 70s creation who only appeared a handful of times. They come out of nowhere, join the fight and leave just as abructly. It's neat seeing them again, and I do love Dreadstar, but again it derails the story and feels very random. The guest stars really have little to do but punch and zap so their appearances are little more than a bit of service for Starlin's long term fans.

But despite these weakness there are a lot of strengths. Stoner's saga comes to a satisfactory end. The battles feel suitable powerful and epic. And Starlin's art is a real treat.

As a writer/artist he knows when to shut up and let the pictures do the talking. One powerful scene has two characters coming together, with little thumbnail snapshots of their past reminding us of the history. It's a great example of how good Starlin can be.

So I was happy to get it, and happier still that this is the final book. Breed had some neat ideas but at times felt padded and repetitive.

Now if only Starlin would return to Dreadstar...

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Starlin finally concludes the Breed saga
By J. J McCulloch
A welcome end to a great story that never really found its footing in the Bravura comic line. Has the great Starlin art, storytelling and compelling, grand storyline. As an added bonus, some other Starlin characters (Dreadstar, Oedi, etc.) make an appearance and help wrap everyting up in a satifsying finish.

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Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

[W942.Ebook] PDF Ebook Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp

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Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp

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Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp

Out of print for a number of years, this facsimile of Marcel Duchamp’s Manual of Instructions was prepared by the artist for the disassembly of Étant donnés in his New York studio and its reassembly at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. First published more than twenty years ago, the manual has had far-reaching ramifications for the study of Étant donnés and Duchamp. Illustrated with 116 black-and-white Polaroids taken by the artist and 35 pages of his handwritten notes and sketches, the revised edition includes a new essay by Michael R. Taylor on the pivotal importance of the manual to an understanding of Duchamp’s artistic practice as well as the first English translation of the artist’s text.

  • Sales Rank: #1973119 in Books
  • Published on: 2009-08-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .61" h x 10.70" w x 11.96" l, 2.15 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 76 pages

About the Author

Michael R. Taylor is the Muriel and Philip Berman Curator of Modern Art, and the late Anne d’Harnoncourt was formerly the Director, both at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Awesome book
By Eduardo A. A. Almeida
Lovely fac-simile edition of Duchamp's plannings for the Etant Donnés. A very good collection of info and pictures. I do recommend.

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great! Fantastic study! Intense Poetry! Spetacular images colection.
By Syl Visual Artist
Great! Fantastic study! Intense Poetry! Spetacular images colection. Duchamp is the special Artist of the WORLD! Really single and the Best!... remember: "D'ailleurs, c'est toujours les autres qui meurent", exactly! Marcel Duchamp is alive with us! Forever in our life... in the Art!

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Marcel Duchamp: Manual of Instructions: Étant donnés, revised edition (Philadelphia Museum of Art), by Marcel Duchamp PDF
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Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

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Abraxas: Beyond Good And Evil (The Divine Series Book 10), by Michael Faust

"Time is the best preserver of righteous men." - Pindar

An extraordinary division exists between Western and Eastern religious thinking. No one in the mainstream media ever draws any attention to it. Why is this debate never allowed to happen? Who is it that benefits from ensuring that ordinary people are never confronted with the astounding differences between Western and Eastern religions? One thing is certain: either everyone in the East is going to hell, or the Western "believers" are the most deluded people in history, spectacularly wrong to a degree that can only be labelled as a manifestation of collective insanity.A critical question arises - was Western religious thinking ever compatible with Eastern religion and, if so, what caused the astonishing divergence of later history, and what became of those Western religions that were once in harmony with the East?By "Western" religion we mean Abrahamism - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. "Eastern" refers to Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. All other religions are just variations on these themes.So, what is the critical difference between West and East in terms of religion? And what happened to one of the oldest religions in the world, belonging to the mysterious secret society known as the Illuminati, the first Grand Master of which was the demigod Pythagoras?What is the truth regarding good and evil? Is the God of Abraham actually the Devil, as the ancient Gnostics maintained? Is this planet of ours hell, ruled over by the Prince of Darkness masquerading as the True God in the greatest deception of all time?Here is wisdom - the True God is Abraxas, and he is the God of the Intelligent. His is the same message as Nietzsche's: we must learn to live beyond good and evil, and by doing so we will at last fulfill our divine potential.

  • Sales Rank: #385471 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2010-12-15
  • Released on: 2010-12-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Abraxas: Beyond Good and Evil
By Brad Gumm
Excellent book for open minded people. This book is one of a series written by the Pythagorean Illuminati. They also have a great website The book begins by comparing and contrasting the western religions of faith with the eastern religions of self knowledge. The authors show the complete disconnection between faith and reason and how most people get their understanding of the world through emotionally satisfying narratives as opposed to understanding the world through reason.

As with all the books by the true Illuminati they touch on many different subjects including philosophy, mathematics, science, religion and many other very interesting topics. I personally enjoyed the information on Gnosticism, the origins of evil, and all the information on the dialectical logic of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Anybody who has read any Hegel knows that he is very difficult to read but these authors make understanding his ideas much easier.

As usual the authors take complicated and detailed concepts and make them understandable to the average person and do it in a humorous way. I had very little knowledge of the subjects that the true Illuminati write about when I stumbled on their website over a year ago and they have completely revolutionized my understanding of the world and the way I think about things. When I began reading their ideas it felt like I had finally found what I had been looking for my entire life. Everybody needs to give these books a chance.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Spread these concepts!!!
By James Houston
I really enjoyed this book. The idea of creating a world where no one is given an unearned advantage due to hereditary or financial privilege is extremely appealing. A world of equal opportunity, not one of privilege and chosen people, could revolutionize our world. Many individuals have much to contribute but are shut out due to race, ethnicity, gender, etc. The concepts presented here will not be accepted by most people due to reasons explained in the book, but it only takes the right people to get these concepts out. I look forward to learning more about these concepts and passing what I have learned to those who have ears to hear.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Its part of the jigsaw.
By Myles Marriott
Not all information comes in one book, so it's important you read this. This will prepare you for more in depth material later.
It is just as important, no less.

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Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

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Rac(e)ing to Class: Confronting Poverty and Race in Schools and Classrooms

  • Published on: 1705
  • Binding: Paperback

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Read
By Wes Lyons
Excellent book!!! Rac(e)ing to Class really opened my eyes to some of the changes that need to be made for our school districts to thrive. Every single person in education should read this book because it gives a real perspective and the research backing the information provide is phenomenal. Dr. Milner is doing his part in providing great information and as educators, we must do our part by making changes in the way we educate our students.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Discerning re-affirmations with personal reflections enhance insightful research!
By Dr. Marge McMackin
Thank you, Rich, for the discerning re-affirmatiions that are so prevalent throughout your new book! It is excellent! The personal reflections enhance the overall sound declarations derived from insightful research, experience and expertise!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Rac(e)ing to Class provides us with an easily accessible way to delve into these issues in ways ...
By Erika Gold
Another outstanding book by Dr. Milner! If we are truly committed to improving the educational and thus life experiences of our students of color, those living in poverty, and especially those residing at the intersection of the two across this nation, we must move from being a color-blind society to one that deeply understands the impact that ones race and socioeconomic status has on the opportunities and experiences that are, and are not, accessible for them to achieve and thrive. Milner's book, Rac(e)ing to Class provides us with an easily accessible way to delve into these issues in ways that are useful and practical for teachers, administrators, and teacher educators. I highly recommend this book and hope that it spurs us all into action!

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[L899.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Rac(e)ing to Class: Confronting Poverty and Race in Schools and Classrooms Doc

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

[T243.Ebook] Ebook Free Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart

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Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart

Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart

Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart

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Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart

In this follow-up to his award-winning book The Bread Baker’s Apprentice, Peter Reinhart offers groundbreaking methods for baking whole grain breads that taste better than any you’ve ever had.

We know whole grain breads are better for us, but will we actually eat them, much less take time to bake them?

Yes, says beloved baking instructor Peter Reinhart, but only if they are very, very good. So Reinhart, with his decades of experience crafting amazing artisanal breads, has made it his mission to create whole grain breads that are nothing short of incredible.

And because his approach is also simpler and less labor intensive than conventional techniques, you’ll choose to make and eat these breads. His fifty-five recipes for whole grain sandwich, hearth, and specialty breads, plus bagels, crackers, and more, incorporate widely available whole wheat flour as well as other flours and grains such as rye, barley, steel-cut oats, cornmeal, and quinoa. Each is so rich with flavor and satisfying texture that white-flour counterparts pale in comparison.

Written in Reinhart’s famously clear style and accompanied by inspiring photographs, these recipes were perfected with the help of nearly 350 testers. Introductory chapters provide a tutorial, with step-by-step photographs, of the delayed fermentation method that is at the heart of these recipes, as well as a crash course in baking science, discussions of grains other than wheat, and more. Advanced bakers will relish Reinhart’s innovative techniques and exacting scientific explanations, and beginning bakers will rejoice in the ease of baking wholesome breads with such extraordinary flavor.






  • Sales Rank: #43300 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Ten Speed Press
  • Published on: 2007-08
  • Released on: 2007-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.26" h x 1.09" w x 9.34" l, 3.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 320 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From Publishers Weekly
Bread is back, Reinhart (The Bread Baker's Apprentice) asserts, and it's better than ever after being villainized during the anticarbohydrate diet fads; his manifesto of renewal, this enthusiastic tome featuring the kinds of whole grain breads he sees as the way forward, will be eagerly received by serious bakers. In three useful preliminary chapters, Reinhart describes how he developed the delayed fermentation process that makes these breads delicious as well as wholesome, dissects wheat's route from stalk to loaf and patiently walks through the new technique's theory and process, in order to arm bakers with every bit of information before they start kneading. The level of technical detail and demand for scientific precision may overwhelm amateurs, but anyone with some experience working with bread dough and starters, as well as a desire to get to the next level, will be gratified by Reinhart's intense but friendly approach. In the more than 50 recipes, from a variety of breads including multigrain loaves, whole wheat cinnamon buns, brioche and crispy lavash, Reinhart builds on the first chapters with detailed commentary on ingredients and preparation, encouraging bakers to own the process but never leaving them in the lurch. Whether or not a home baker is looking for healthier recipes, Reinhart's peerless way of writing about bread is sure to inspire a new respect for whole grains. Color photos not seen by PW. (Oct.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“We’ve always known how good whole grain breads are for us, but we’ve also known how they’re usually heavy, dense, and sort of boring. Now here comes Peter Reinhart, a passionate bread scientist who has figured out fifty-five different ways to make whole grain breads light and delicious. His work is nothing short of revolutionary.”

–Sara Moulton, Food Network host and author of Sara’s Secrets for Weeknight Meals

“No one is better qualified–either as a teacher or as a baker–than Peter Reinhart to tackle the complex subject of whole grain breads. His techniques and recipes are easy to follow and yield excellent results every time. Peter and his breads are the real thing.”

–Nick Malgieri, author of How to Bake and A Baker’s Tour

“Whole Grain Breads is a beautiful and important work, which is no big surprise coming, as it does, from Peter Reinhart. Everything here is a gift: the breads themselves (both described and pictured), the poetic voice, the story, the technique, and the generous spirit. Read this from cover to cover, and you will find yourself looking at all food differently, from a new height and a deeper appreciation.”

–Mollie Katzen, author of The Moosewood Cookbook

“I’ve spent years following directions from more than a dozen bread baking books. I’ve babied bowls of dough in various stages of fermentation, and I’ve only ended up with bread that tastes like an inner tube. Peter has unraveled the mystery of baking, and I now approach this intimidating subject with confidence.”

–James Peterson, author of Cooking

“Peter Reinhart is a gifted teacher who explains the science of bread dough in easy-to-understand language. Using Peter’s innovative techniques for enhancing both enzyme and yeast activity and following with his gentle, clear-cut guidance, even a beginner can master sourdough starters, pre-ferments, soakers, and mashes to make incredibly flavorful whole grain breads.”

–Shirley Corriher, author of Cookwise

From the Publisher
* Master bread baker and innovator Peter Reinhart's answer to the whole grain revolution, with time-saving techniques for making extraordinary whole grain breads, bagels, crackers, and more. * Includes 55 master formulas (including baker's percentages, nutrition facts, and ingredient measures in volume, ounce, and gram measures), plus 40 styled food shots and 150 instructional photos. * THE BREAD BAKER'S APPRENTICE was the 2002 James Beard Cookbook of the Year and 2002 IACP Cookbook of the Year. CRUST AND CRUMB was a 1999 James Beard Award Winner.

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Serious info for a serious home baker
By D Raven-Lindley
I run a small CSA farm...that includes growing several strains of both modern and premodern wheat on a small scale. For three years I fussed in the kitchen with inadequate recipes, trying to learn to turn out a loaf of useful and edible sandwich bread...but I wasn't happy. There had to be more. This book was the answer to everything....on my very first try I turned out a whole wheat loaf of hard red winter wheat we milled here, and it was TO DIE FOR. This was the flavor and texture I knew must somehow be possible but I didn't understand what to do....problem solved! The delayed fermentation techniques presented here, and in his other books, act as complements to each other. I strongly recommend buying all three of his bread books.....the Bread Baker's Apprentice presents a solid scientific understanding of the chemistry of the bread. Use Whole Grain Breads to learn to succeed with (duh) whole grains. And use Crust and Crumb to round out your knowledge further with missing details of information on assorted grains, enriched breads, and more....I have to emphasize that one MUST take the time to read the books and understand the hows and whys of what is happening with the dough....merely diving straight to the recipes isn't good enough. The loaves in this book take a minimum of 3 days to create with large amounts of downtime interspersed...but you get out what you put in. If you're ready to be serious about eating the highest quality nutritious loaves, and raising your baking skills by several levels of knowledge and quality...this is your book. If you're looking to crank out a loaf in an hour, find something else.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
I have finally made 100% whole wheat bread I enjoy eating, and I look forward to trying some ...
By Dan Galbraith
For many years, I would try every so often to make whole grain bread, and always get the same result:"Another two hundred of these, and I can build that outdoor fireplace I've always wanted". With this book, I have finally made 100% whole wheat bread I enjoy eating, and I look forward to trying some of the other variations in the book. The process is pretty straightforward, and the time investment not too burdensome - most of the work is small bursts of activity with long pauses in between. I especially liked making the sourdough starter from scratch, it was easy. The two major insights in this book are that you should do all measuring by weight instead of volume, and whole grain baking requires more hydration (fluids) than baking with white flour. There is a lot of information about baker's ratios that I have not seen elsewhere.

A word of advice: spring for the paper version, skip the kindle version. The pagination is messed up, and recipes are hard to follow because they are spread out over multiple pages, instead of on a single page, as it is laid out in the hardcover version. Difficult to flip pages on an iPad when your hands are covered in gooey dough.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic for an Intermediate Baker and above
By PlainAcres
The recipes in this book use a totally different method of making bread than what you are used to. They require at least 2 days to make the bread. Having said that, they are completely doable by any inept cooking moron (like me).

Some recipes do use odd ingredients, some that I could not even find on I did find them available online though.

Also, I would using bread bricks or other means of adding steam to your oven for the best results in a standard oven. In my case, I have a Baker's Choice Woodstove which retains steam during baking. Even then, I put a cast iron pan with 1/2 cup of boiling water in it when I put the loaves in to bake.

Your results with making these loaves will be comparable to a Bakery.

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[T243.Ebook] Ebook Free Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor, by Peter Reinhart Doc

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

[F416.Ebook] Fee Download The Footprints on the Ceiling, by Clayton Rawson

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The Footprints on the Ceiling, by Clayton Rawson

The Footprints on the Ceiling, by Clayton Rawson

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The Footprints on the Ceiling, by Clayton Rawson

Investigating a haunted house, Merlini finds a fresh murder.

"Wanted To Rent: Haunted House, preferably in rundown condition. Must be adequately supplied with interesting ghost." Ross Harte knows that only the Great Merlini could be behind such a strange classified ad. A magician, salesman, and occasional sleuth, Merlini is producing radio investigations of paranormal activity, and he needs ghosts to put on-air. His first target is Skelton Island, an eerie speck of land just a few hundred feet off the coast of Manhattan, but seemingly out of another time. On a late-night trip to the island, Merlini and Harte find the house perfectly rundown and well-stocked with ghosts, including one fresh one. Linda Skelton, granddaughter of the famous Scourge of Wall Street, has been poisoned with cyanide. Unless Merlini works quickly, he and Ross will join her among the ranks of Skelton Island's famous spirits.

  • Sales Rank: #173200 in Audible
  • Published on: 2012-11-21
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 530 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The Great Merlini Investigates a Murder and More in a Haunted House.
By James Dainis
Ross Harte accompanies his friend and master magician, The Great Merlini, to Skelton Island to check out a haunted house and to later attempt to expose a spiritual medium as a fraud. When they get to the house they find a dead woman there, poisoned by cyanide. Ross and Merlini stay to help Inspector Gavigan determine who the murderer is among the half dozen people staying at a nearby house on Skelton Island. Things start to get a lot more complicate and mysterious as the investigation moves forward uncovering gangsters, treasure hunters, fraudsters and con artists.

This is a fun book with Merlini explaining many ways that deception and misdirection could have been used the same way that a magician uses them. He often gets long winded much to Inspector Gavigan's annoyance, citing magician's methods from the past as applied to the present situation. At one point while Gavigan is talking, Merlini pays no attention but simply stays to one side doing hand tricks with a deck of cards. When Gavigan claims that he could do that, a surprised Merlini hands him the cards. Gavigan then simply places the cards in his pocket and goes on talking. Later when Gavigan sees that Merlini is again playing with the cards, he finds that someone (not saying who) has picked his pocket.

The final explanation that The Great Merlini gives clearing up the murder and the other mysteries that have arisen goes on for scores of pages. Much of it is rather convoluted and hard to understand. Sort of - so and so could not have been the murderer unless he was in the house which he may have been unless some other person tried to kill him instead which would mean that a third person had to have been a witness to the fourth person seeing so and so on the terrace. I think I would have to read the entire explanation several times to really get to understand it. Never the less, it is a fun, fast moving story.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
A good fun
By A Customer
If I recall correctly, this was the second of Clayton Rawson's four detective novels featuring The Great Merlini, a famous magician, as a crime-solver, and it has many of the same persons as the first one, Death from a Top Hat. Rawson's great idea was that the locked-room mysteries were a sort of magic tricks, so what would be more natural than having a magician as a detective?
I found this novel very funny, fast-moving and enjoyable to read, as long as you didn't take it very seriously (as the name implies, murderer seems to have left footprints in the ceiling!). What was disappointing, was the actual solutions to several mysteries the book had to offer. They all seemed either too far-fetched or too simple.
However, I would recommend this and other Rawson's books (especially to already-mentioned Death from a Top Hat) to all the fans of humoristic locked-room mysteries in the style of John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson (whose great admirer and friend Rawson was).

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Clever and funny
By elfin
I first read this book decades ago and was happy to find it on Kindle. Obviously it's dated (as am I), but it holds up well with its focus on magic (the professional, not supernatural kind). It's an easygoing and amusing book that's still well worth a read. It is the second in the Merlini series, though, so I'd advise reading 'Death from a Top Hat' first.

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