Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

[T238.Ebook] Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

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Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

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Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski

High Fantasy meets Steampunk in the Victorian Age! Join Her Majesty's Army aboard airships and wyverns to defeat the Tsarina's forces in the Crimea. Discover ancient secrets that lie buried in the foothills of the Himalayas and the jungles of central Africa. Keep trade ships safe from the pirates and legendary beasts in the East Indies. Search the gas lit, cobble-stone streets of London for horrific creatures that lurk in the shadows and prey on the poor souls living in the rookeries. Victoriana is a world of high adventure set during an alternate Age of Steam. It is a world much like our own mid-nineteenth century, seamlessly integrated with classic fantasy and steampunk elements. Dwarves and Orcs work in London shipyards while Human sorcerers mingle with Eldren aristocrats. Britain and France unleash marvellous war machines on Russia, while injured soldiers replace lost limbs with aetheric-powered steel. Ghouls, lycanthropes, and vampires haunt London streets and tunnels while oppressed masses agitate for better governments across the globe. The third edition of the Victoriana Core Rulebook includes: " Complete and revised rules for making Victorian adventurers and resolving conflicts. " Rules for creating technological marvels. " Information on the world of Victoriana, including alternate diversions from actual history. " A trove of supporting characters, from scullery maids and barristers to elementals and undead, as well as beasts both mundane and preternatural. " Practical advice for running Victoriana campaigns. " Compatible with Victoriana Second Edition supplements. So don your goggles, grab your sword cane, and pull on your shawl or frock coat! Make certain that your eldritch pepperbox is fully loaded and step into your steam carriage! Victoriana is a world in need of adventurers. Will you answer the call?

  • Sales Rank: #1000143 in Books
  • Brand: Cubicle 7
  • Published on: 2013-09-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.13" h x 1.00" w x 8.63" l, 2.40 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 320 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
A good RPG pick up
By Jetpack
My review of Victoriana is that of someone who started with 3rd edition. I never played 1st or 2nd, so don't have any opinion on the changes. Except for one. I like the 1856 start a lot, as now the Indian Mutiny and American Civil Wars will be in their more normal timeframe.

Victoriana is a very well made game that allows you to play in the era of Queen Victoria. The assumption is that you will be in London, but you do have a full world to play in. Victoriana does a great job of making it clear that class is IMPORTANT. If you are in the nobility, you will always be in the nobility. Even if you are broke.

There are multiple sub-species available (races in other games), so you don't have to be a human. However, it is again class that is the most important part, though noble beastman are rare in England.

The world mixes magic (on its way out) with the new technologies (or perhaps, the return of technology), so you can have one side or take some of each.

There aren't classes per se, but your background and childhood experiences help to guide your initial skill choices with a point build system. You also get a slightly smaller point group for any skill or talent. It's a very flexible system, and you should be able to find a character concept that you like. I'm being more flexible with how the points get spent then the canon system, but that sort of thing is always changeable for a GM.

The art is black and white, not full color like Edge of the Empire or Numinera. However, that helps the cover price be less so it's a trade-off. I'm fine with the exchange.

I definitely recommend this for any rpg fan, or victorian fan who wants to get into role play.

I suggest giving Amazon a try for this. I picked up a bundle from Cubicle 7 directly, and if you go that route, I suggest following up for a tracking number within a few days. I waited 2 weeks before asking for mine after the order, and I think by coincidence, my order was shipped out the same day. I think 2 weeks is too long to wait for your books to be shipped after an order (It's 2013), so I suggest Amazon.

If you check my reviews, you will find several Victoriana reviews, with at least 3 more on the way.

Having a great time with my campaign for my wife. I've shuttered the 3 games mentioned above for Victoriana, though I well get back to them.

Edit - the more characters I make, the less I like character creation. So your standard human PC is above average at everything? I encourage any GM to revise character creation a bit and allow their PC's to trade character stats more freely. Being a +1 in everything as a human is a bit much. Same with some of the penalties for other sub-species.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Ring Side Report-Victoriana 3rd Edition
By Edward
Originally posted at www.throatpunchgames.com, a new idea everyday!

Product- Victoriana 3rd Edition
System- Victoriana
Producer- Cubicle Seven Entertainment
Price- ~$25 here http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/116730/Victoriana-3rd-Edition?term=victoriana+3rd
TL; DR- You can't go wrong with Steampunk, Lovecraft, Penny-Dreadful Shadowrun! 93%

Basics-Ever want to mix steampunk with Victorian sensibilities and add a ton of Middle Earth to the equation? That is the mix for Victoriana-an RPG set in 1856 where magic is semi-common place, steam power is beginning to conquer the world, and "heroes" are called from all walks of life. This is a whole RPG in one book, so let's break this down into its important parts and numbers.

Mechanics or Crunch- At this games core, it's a simple d6 pool game. Let's see how that plays out on each level:

Base Mechanic- Victoriana is a d6 dice pool game. Each task you do will be a combination of an attribute and an associated skill. Shoot a gun? Dexterity and firearms. Ride a Wyvern? Presence and Animal Handling. A few small things make this game amazingly fun and different from other dice pool games. One is the numbers you want. You are looking for 1's and 6's. Even better, 6's explode and you roll them again counting 1's and 6's. AND THE 6's KEEP EXPLOIDING! I love the dynamic addition of exploding dice in any game!

Task Difficulty-Most tasks you perform require two successes with some task allowing partial successes. That is a quick and easy mechanic for deciding failure and success. The system builds on this simplicity by adding "black" dice. Want to mix dangerous chemicals on a bumpy train ride? Well you roll your normal Attribute and Skill, but you also roll 3 BLACK dice. These black dice work just like normal dice, but they take AWAY successes. AND, they explode like normal dice! AND, THE PLAYERS ROLL THEM! This puts some of the pressure on the player and it's just pure fun as a GM. If you have negative successes at the end of a roll, then you have a foul failure. These situations are where the GM gets to absolutely play with the player. Guns break. Mechanical arms are ruined. Spells summon crazy monsters. It's the whole nine yards of bad things for a player. Some tasks have opposed rolls like attacking and dodging, but black dice can still be added to both sides of a combat. If you're shooting in the dark, and my bad guy is dodging while on a slippery floor, both sides get to add black dice to their rolls. Whoever has more successes wins.

Combat-You could have an RPG without combat, but why!? Each round players can choose to do one action (move, attack, cast a spell, etc) at no penalty. However, a player can do up to his/her dexterity in actions per round. Each action the player performs divides the dice pool for that action. Run and shoot? Divide your pool by two. Run, shoot, and mix a bomb? Divide your pool by 3 for EACH action. Your black dice are NOT changed as your divide your pools! You can do anything you want, but the more you do, the worse you can fail! Damage also is dependent on d6's. Each weapon has a damage value. If you score more successes than your target, you get to roll a number of d6's equal to the damage value for your weapon counting the 1's and 6's as before WITH EXPLODING DICE! After you count your successes, you add your initial number of successes to your count and the opponent subtracts his/her armor and takes the difference as damage.

Character Generation-Character generation in this system is divided into two broad categories: completely homemade or guided. If you make your own character from the soles of your feet up, have fun! If you want a little more guided approach, then you can build your character by selecting your background, breeding (social standing and race), build package (where you fit in the breeding and background), spend attribute and skill points, and earn and assign extra build points via drawbacks and other abilities. It's pretty simple, but flexible allowing all kinds of different characters to populate the world. As a word of caution, this system has the kind of flexible that a few example characters could help to keep players from killing themselves during character generation.

Magic and Machines-It wouldn't be magic and steampunk without magic and machines. Magic is divided into a few different categories. Basically, each mage has training in one of these areas of magic and makes still tests as previously discussed. It's simple and quick. The different types of magic all feel different as hermetic wizards throw around all kinds of elemental magic, while people of faith have much more religion based magic like healing and exorcism. All magic uses another metric called quintessence. Quintessence is spent to cast spells and is recovered over time and rest. Also, if you don't have quintessence, you can just take damage. I LOVE cast till you pass out systems! This is only the tip of the iceberg, but magic does feel like magic and not just another skill roll. Machines on the other hand are built once and then never have to be paid for again. They may require fuel like steam or gas to run, but the different machines fell like they have different functions. Most of these functions have different actions than magic, but part of the theme is how magic is beginning overtaken by the age of steam. Some of these devices even require magic to be built! Whatever steampunk idea you have in your head, based on the marvels here, you can build your favorite toy!
Order and Chaos- Victoriana's spiritual fight isn't between good and evil. Don't get me wrong, good and evil are here, but the major fight is between the forces of entropy and order. The RPG spends some time outlying that order isn't necessarily good as a crazed priest of order can easily be as evil as a demonologist of chaos. Players can decide to side with one or the other, and when they do an action that advances their side, they can get dice depending how advanced they are on the cogs of their faction. Order provides a straight bonus to an action, while chaos provides many more dice than order, but you have to roll these dice to see if you succeed. It's a fun addition to the game, but one that your players and you will have to choose to get deep into.
Summary-I love what is here. It's simple in a good way, quick, and flexible. It's got a fun feel with action and puts some of the dirty, hard choices in the players hands themselves with black dice. I love when I make the players be the bad guys for a change! 5/5

Theme or Fluff-Victoriana is an "almost Earth" setting. Even with elves, magic, and steam powered robots, people are not all that different. So, this book assumes that history will pretty much follow the same path to 1856. And, you know what? It works really well! I liked the world this book built. Also, if you remove all the "wizard/steam robot did it" references in the setting back story, the first half of the book is a well done summary of European history till 1856. Honestly, a world with different races (really different races not just Spanish compared to English, but Ogre compared to hog-faced beastmen soon to be German Chancellor) explains the wars in Europe better than the petty motivations that have occurred through all of our real history. The story of this world drew me in, and I sat and read the intro fiction as well as the world guide. It's a well done world with lots of depth to help you understand the world and live in it as you game. 5/5

A note on history, truth, and the "isms"- Victoriana is set in a time when it was amazingly awesome to be a white, European, rich male. For every difference from that standard, things got steadily worse. This RPG introduces the realities of that life, but doesn't dwell on them. It leaves how much of that you want to throw into your game up to you. That's important since some players might not be too comfortable roleplaying in a time when a husband could not technically rape his wife. And, if you wanted to, things could get worse from there. Sexism, racism, and specisim are alive and well here, but the book walks that line well and wholly lets the GM and players decide how much of the more horrible parts of history and alternative history they want to explore. I feel it's important to note that there are some possible adult themes, but they are handled well. If you just want some pulp steampunk with orcs and magic, then you can easily get that from the system too.

Execution-I liked this book, but the problems I have with this book are not getting enough book. What's here in this book is great, but could use a bit of help to distinguish information from background text. The book is black and white. That's not a bad thing, but some of the information isn't as highlighted as well as it should be. My next major complaint is the lack of examples. Combat and character generation could both really benefit from an example of creating a character and how to systematically tear another character to bits via combat. I liked the layout in general. The pictures did a great job explaining the world and people and keeping me engaged. Even with this complaint, my comments are positive. 4/5

Summary-If you want some steampunk, some magic, and some Victorian history; you can't go wrong with this system. Character generation is easy, actions have the players doing more thinking then just roll one die, and combat is quick. This RPG runs like a good watch-it looks like lots of too complicated moving parts, but when you really get down to it, you see its got a simple, elegant design. Magic and machines are there, but the subsystems that make them run are not overly complicated. A new player could easily play with either of those systems with no trouble. My only complaint is I feel more examples of combat, encounter generation, and characters in general would have really helped players get into the system easier. It's not a game breaker, but it's something to note. Overall, I love this system. If you're looking for your steampunk Shadowrun fix, you cannot go wrong with this one! 93%

Full disclosure: I was provided a reviewer copy.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good Steampunk RPG
By Martin Norris
Just received the book so not had a chance to play yet
Well laid out and indexed
Like the d6 dice pool system
Steampunk magic and marvels are reasonable
Background is interesting but less detailed then I would like

See all 5 customer reviews...

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[T238.Ebook] Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski Doc

[T238.Ebook] Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski Doc
[T238.Ebook] Download Ebook Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Walt Ciechanowski Doc

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